media owner
Querfeld's Wiener Konditorei GmbH
Altmannsdorfer Strasse 154-156
A-1230 Vienna
Phone: (01) 24 100-500
Company registration number: 266335w
UID: ATU 6190 1400
Concept, design and technical implementation
Intellectual property
All trademarks, logos and service marks visible on this site, content, layout, any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved by the rights holder. Modifications may not be made and it is prohibited to use, download, copy or distribute them in any way.
All texts on the website have been carefully checked. The content offered here is for general information. It cannot be ruled out that data and information on this website will not be displayed or will be displayed incorrectly. No guarantee/liability is assumed for the correctness, up-to-dateness, completeness and availability of the information/data provided. In particular, no legal claims resulting from the use of the information and data called up can be justified.
References and links to other websites have been carefully selected. Their content, correctness, topicality, completeness and availability is not within the sphere of influence of the website operator and no guarantee/liability is assumed for this.
Furthermore, no guarantee/liability is assumed for downloadable forms, in particular not for their topicality, suitability for a specific purpose and freedom from viruses.
Claims for damages due to direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the www documents cannot be asserted against the person responsible for the www or the author.
If the document refers to commercial websites via hyperlinks, this does not constitute a recommendation. These links are only intended to show an (incomplete) selection of possibilities. Websites that have not been taken into account are therefore not entitled to be included in the document. No liability is accepted for information obtained via external cross-references (hyperlinks).
data protection
We are committed to protecting the privacy of everyone who uses our site and to treating the personal information provided to us by customers, partners and prospects confidentially.
In principle, you can visit and browse our website at any time without providing any personal information.
Personal data that you provide to us by registering on our site will not be sold or given to third parties, but is intended solely for internal company use.
Final Provisions
Austrian law applies exclusively to the use of the information/services.
If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Instead of an invalid provision or to fill a gap, an appropriate, legally permissible provision will be applied that comes closest to what would have been intended in terms of the meaning and purpose of these terms of use if the partial invalidity or gap was known.
Conversion measurement with the visitor action pixel from Facebook
We use the "visitor action pixel" from Facebook from Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, ("Facebook") on our website. In this way, the behavior of users can be tracked after they have been redirected to the provider's website by clicking on a Facebook ad. This process is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and can help to optimize future advertising.
The data collected is anonymous to us, so we cannot draw any conclusions about the identity of the user. However, the data is stored and processed by Facebook so that a connection to the respective user profile is possible and Facebook can use the data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with the Facebook data usage guidelines ( You can enable Facebook and its partners to place advertisements on and outside of Facebook. A cookie can also be stored on your computer for these purposes.
Consent to the use of the visitor action pixel may only be given by users who are older than 13 years of age. If you are younger, we ask that you ask your legal guardian for permission.
Hotjar Privacy Policy:
We use Hotjar from Hotjar Limited (Level 2, St Julian's Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian's STJ 1000, Malta) on our website to statistically evaluate visitor data. Hotjar is a service that analyzes the behavior and feedback from you as a user on our website using a combination of analysis and feedback tools. We receive reports and visual representations from Hotjar that show us where and how you "move" on our site. Personal data is automatically anonymized and never reaches Hotjar's servers. This means that you are not personally identified as a website user and we still learn a lot about your user behavior.
Why do we use Hotjar on our website?
In recent years, the importance of user experience (i.e. user experience) on websites has increased significantly. And with good reason too. A website should be structured in such a way that you as a visitor feel comfortable and can easily find your way around. Thanks to Hotjar's analysis tools and feedback tool, we can make our website and our offer more attractive. Hotjar's heatmaps have proven to be particularly valuable for us. Heatmaps are a form of representation for the visualization of data. For example, Hotjar's heatmaps allow us to see very clearly what you like to click, tap and where you scroll.
What data does Hotjar store?
While you surf through our website, Hotjar automatically collects information about your user behavior. In order to be able to collect this information, we have installed our own tracking code on our website. The following data can be collected via your computer or browser:
- IP address of your computer (collected and stored in an anonymous format)
- screen size
- Browser information (which browser, which version, etc.)
- Your location (but only the country)
- Your preferred language setting
- Visited websites (subpages)
- Date and time of access to one of our subpages (websites)
In addition, cookies also store data that is placed on your computer (usually in your browser). No personal data is collected in it. In principle, Hotjar does not pass on any collected data to third parties. However, Hotjar expressly points out that it is sometimes necessary to share data with Amazon Web Services. Then parts of your information are stored on their servers. However, Amazon is bound by a duty of confidentiality not to disclose this data.
Only a limited number of people (Hotjar employees) have access to the stored information. The Hotjar servers are protected by firewalls and IP restrictions (access only to approved IP addresses). Firewalls are security systems that protect computers from unwanted network access. They are designed to act as a barrier between Hotjar's secure internal network and the internet. Hotjar also uses third-party companies such as Google Analytics or Optimizely for its services. These companies may also store information that your browser sends to our website.
The following cookies are used by Hotjar. Since we refer, among other things, to the cookie list from Hotjar's data protection declaration at , there is not an exemplary value for every cookie. The list shows examples of Hotjar cookies used and does not claim to be complete.
How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
Hotjar does not store any of your personal data for the analysis. The company even advertises with the slogan “We track behavior, not individuals” (ie “We track user behavior, but no identifiable, individual data). You always have the option to prevent the collection of your data. For that you just have to click the Go to "opt-out page" and click on "Disable Hotjar". Please note that deleting cookies, using your browser's private mode or using a different browser will result in data being collected again. You can also activate the "Do Not Track" button in your browser. In the Chrome browser, for example, you have to click on the three bars at the top right and go to "Settings". There you will find the option “Send a “Do Not Track” request with browser traffic” in the “Privacy” section. Now just activate this button and no data will be collected by Hotjar.
You can find more details on the data protection guidelines and which data Hotjar collects in which way in our Privacy Policy as well as directly at